V. Abant Platform "Globalization: Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions"

Final Declaration:

1) Basically an economic process, globalization gives priority to the circulation of capital, goods and labor and the activities of these services on a global basis. The rapid changes in technology, communications and transportation are the main factors that have spread this process worldwide. Just as this process has brought uncertainty, risks and financial burdens, it also presents various advantages and opportunities. Due to the "new human condition" globalization has brought about, mankind can develop an important foundation for uniting around common values like peace, dialogue and understanding.

2) Unlike a one-dimensional or centralized process, globalization should be as open to the active participation of civil organizations on a world wide scale as it is to various religions, beliefs, cultures and nations. For this purpose, there is a need for international institutions, beginning with the United Nations, to restructure in a democratic way and to develop new institutions compatible with the new situation, taking into consideration their purpose and legal sovereignty.

3) On the one hand, the globalization process encompasses secularization but, on the other hand, it presents new opportunities for religions to express themselves. We see the attempt at expelling Islam and the Islamic world from the process of globalization or seeing Islam as the "other" by certain circles as both an injustice and a position that threatens global peace.

4) Globalization brings some changes to the state's traditional functions. However, in this process national governments will continue to be the main actors within a framework of new conditions. Some global actors should be careful about the effects of their guardianship policies on nation states that make broad masses poorer.

5) During the process of globalization, the ability for transformation in the economic, cultural and political structures of the societies can make a great difference among countries. In addition, during this process developed markets can harm lesser developed markets, which can create the effect of deepening the inequalities in their standards of living. In this respect, necessary structural precautions should be taken to protect and strengthen sectors that are becoming poorer as a result of negative effects on the distribution of income.

6) One of the important problems that globalization has produced is the increasing number of asylum seekers and emigrants from poor and oppressive countries moving to richer and more democratic countries. As a transit country, Turkey is one of the countries most affected by this problem. The causes leading to this problem are poverty, oppression and conflict. In order to resolve the problems where they originate, economic, political and social programs for improvement must be implemented in the countries being emigrated from. For this purpose, responsible countries among developed nations should provide funds and support political freedom and democratization.

7) There is a need for broad acceptance of a global understanding of morality that is tied to the historical and cultural dynamics of societies, unites with universal values, provides responsibility and solidarity among people and takes into consideration others' dignity and right to live regardless of differences in identity.

8) Taking on new meaning during the process of globalization, terrorism is a crime against humanity. It is a moral and human duty to oppose terrorism, which is used by the weak as a means of resistance and by the powerful as a vehicle for oppression. For this reason, the international community must be sensitive to the topic of eliminating the conditions that give rise to terrorism as well as terrorism itself.

9) One of man's basic rights is to pursue life in an environment that is peaceful and in harmony with nature. It should be one of globalization's main goals to protect the environment for the present and future generations. Globalization should not cause the already scarce natural resources to disappear as a result of encouraging extreme consumerism.

10) When historical-cultural values, social dynamics and geography are taken into consideration, it is possible for Turkey , leaving aside her introversion based on unfounded fears and anxiety, to turn courageously and self-assuredly toward globalization and make positive contributions. This can be accomplished by acting on a foundation strengthened by civil and political freedoms. Our historical experience and current potential are important resources to be used for perceiving the means, goals and dimensions of global powers and for competing with them.

11) Every language forms the foundation of the culture it belongs to. For this reason, during the process of globalization we should show a special sensitivity to our official language Turkish, in addition to giving importance to foreign languages. Necessary measures should be taken for its use on the regional and global levels.

12) Structural problems resulting from economic institutions and regulations not being properly administered in Turkey and prices generally being determined by bureaucracy instead of the market are delaying the economy's integration with the process of globalization. The Turkish economy's lack of productivity is due to inadequate financing. The results of this are chronic inflation, increasingly costly public debt and waste.

13) Caught in a trap of heavy internal and external debt, the Turkish economy is faced with the danger of not rolling over its debt due to the necessity of paying real interest much higher than the world average. The continuing political uncertainty also negatively affects this situation. The absence of a sustainable and regular growth rate due to the inadequacy of investment and production and the high rates of unemployment and inflation is holding Turkey back from globalization and directly decreasing the entry of foreign capital.

14) Turkey 's most important need in the globalization process is qualified manpower. In this respect, by raising the educational and cultural level of our people, they must be prepared as individuals with initiation and self-confidence for the competitive economy.

The European Union is one of the important hurdles in Turkey 's participation in the globalization process. Actually it is a goal that is compatible with Turkey 's general inclination. During this process it is appropriate for preparations for membership to be made with an approach that takes into consideration Turkey 's existence and interests.


Doc. Dr. Adnan Aslan
Alev Alatli
Ali Bulac
Ali Coskun
Prof. Dr. Ali Yasar Saribay
Prof. Dr. Bekir Karliga
Prof. Dr. Burhan Kuzu
Prof. Dr. Coskun Can Aktan
Doc. Dr. Durmus Hocaoglu
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth ozdalga
Prof. Dr. Ersin Nazif Gurdogan
Prof. Dr. Eser Karakas
Prof. Dr. Faruk sen
Faruk Demir
Prof. Dr. Hayrettin Karaman
Doc. Dr. Huseyin celik
Huseyin Gulerce
Dr. Huseyin Tugcu
Doc. Dr. Ihsan Dagi
Prof. Dr. Kemal Karpat
Prof. Dr. Kenan Gursoy
Dr. Keziban Acar
Levent Korkut
Dr. Mehmet Ali Kilicbay
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Altan
Mehmet Bekaroglu
Mehmet Bozdemir
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Koktas
Doc. Dr. Mensur Akgun
Prof. Dr. Mete Tuncay
Prof. Dr. Mithat Melen
Muharrem Naci Orhan
Murat Sengul
Mustafa Armagan
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Erdogan
Mustafa Pacali
Prof. Dr. Naci Bostanci
Nevval Sevindi
Doc. Dr. Omer Caha
Reha Camuroglu
Riza Akcali
Prof. Dr. Suat Yildirim
Prof. Dr. Suleyman Hayri Bolay
Prof. Dr. Suleyman Seyfi Ogun
Dr. Tahsin Gorgun
Prof. Dr. Umit Meric
Dr. Yasin Aktay
Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ziya Irbec
Dr. Yusuf Kaplan 12-14 July 2002

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