What We Expect of Science

1. Since "real" life is possible only through knowledge, those who neglect learning and teaching are considered "dead" even though they are still alive. We were created to learn and to communicate what we have learned to others.

2. Those who are truly human continue to learn, teach, and inspire others. It is difficult to regard as truly human those who are ignorant and have no desire to learn. It is also questionable whether a learned person who does not pursue self-renewal and self-reform, and thereby set an example for others, is truly human.

3. Science and knowledge should seek to uncover the nature of men and women and the mysteries of creation. Any knowledge, however scientific, is not true knowledge if it does not shed light on the mysteries of human nature and the dark areas of existence.

4. Status and merit acquired through knowledge and science are higher and more lasting than status and merit obtained through other means. This is true for two reasons: Knowledge will enrapture its possessors, when they reach the other world, with the pleasure of the positions acquired while in this world. In addition, it will keep its possessors away from bad morals in this world and cause them to attain many virtues.

5. Parents should feed their children's minds of with knowledge and science before they become engaged in useless things, for souls devoid of truth and knowledge are fields in which all kinds of evil thoughts are grown and cultivated.

6. The purpose of learning is to make knowledge a guide for your life, to illuminate the road to human perfection. Any knowledge that does not fulfill these functions is a burden for the learner, and any science that does not direct one toward sublime goals is only deception.

7. Appropriate language is an inexhaustible source of blessing for the learner. Those who possess such a source are always sought by people, like a source of fresh water, and lead people to what is good. Knowledge consisting of empty theories and unabsorbed pieces of learning, which arouses suspicions in minds and darkens hearts, is like a "pile of garbage" around which desperate and confused souls flounder.

8. Although science and all branches of knowledge are beneficial to almost everyone, one cannot possibly acquire all of them, for people's lifespans and resources are limited. Therefore, learn and use only that which benefits yourself and humanity at large. Do not waste your life.

9. True scientists base their study and research on true reports, correct expositions, and scientific experiments. As a result, they have peace of mind and solve their problems with ease. However, those who do not know the truth are buffeted constantly by changing aims and methods, and so are always disillusioned.

10. People are esteemed and appreciated in proportion to the profundity and content of their knowledge. The knowledge of those who spread gossip and idle talk is nothing more than gossip and idle talk. On the other hand, truly valuable indeed are those who use their knowledge as a prism to perceive things and events, as a light to illuminate "space" to the darkest points, and to reach the most transcendent truths. Criteria or Lights of the Way, Izmir, 1996, Vol. 2, (9th edition), pp. 9-14

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