Pearls of Wisdom or Philosophy

1. Helplessness is not only a lack of strength and power. Many strong and talented people are seen as helpless, because nobody ever thought to benefit from them.

2. Neither "darkness" nor another light can defeat those whose light comes from themselves. Such sources of light will burn throughout their natural lifespan in spite of everything, and will illuminate their surroundings.

3. Those who act according to what they have seen are not as successful as those who act according to what they know, and the latter are not as successful as those who act according to their conscience.

4. Poverty is not only the lack of money, for it can assume the form of a lack of knowledge, thought, and talent. In this respect, wealthy people who lack knowledge, thought, and talent can be considered poor.

5. Glasses are a vehicle for the eyes, the eyes are a vehicle for the mind, the mind is a vehicle for insight, and insight is a vehicle for the conscience. The conscience is an outlet through which the spirit can observe, and a vehicle through which it can see.

6. Humanity is a tree, and nations are its branches. Events that appear as heavy winds hurl them against each other and cause them to clash. Of course, the resulting harm is felt by the tree. This is the meaning of: "Whatever we do, we do it to ourselves."

7. Nights are like arenas in which people discover, develop, and prepare for human happiness and serenity. Great ideas and works always developed in the womb's darkness and were offered for the benefit of humanity.

8. The stomach expels food that cannot be digested and has no benefit, and then spits in its face. Time and history does the same to useless people...

9. Rust is the enemy of iron, lead the enemy of diamonds, and dissipation the enemy of the spirit. If it does not cause its decay and ruin today, it will definitely cause them tomorrow.

10. Every flood comes from tiny drops whose existence and size are neglected. Gradually, it reaches a level that cannot be resisted. A society's body always is open to such types of flood.

11. Even if explaining knowledge and truth to the ill-mannered and inexperienced is as difficult as dealing with crazy people, enlightened people must do so eagerly.

12. Since everyone cannot understand clear truths on the same level, abstraction was abandoned in favor of demonstration, representation, and personification.

13. People usually complain of time and space, whereas the fault always lies in ignorance. Time and space are innocent, whereas humanity is ungrateful and ignorant.

14. Some sunny, grassy, bright roads adorned with flowers eventually lead to valleys of death, while other steep, thorny paths intersect with the edge of Heaven.

15. One of the wisest sayings is: "Each person is hidden under his or her tongue." An even greater one is: "If you want a friend, God is enough; if you want a companion, the Qur'an..."

16. We know the act and object of perception, but not the perceiver. The spirit knows; the mind is a vehicle. The spirit sees; the eye is a vehicle.

17. If an action results from mental or natural instincts, it is animalistic; if it results from the will or conscience, it is spiritual or human.

18. Non-existence is a dreadful nothingness, such an infinite and mind-boggling field that not even one atom of existence can be found there.

19. Today, people label as "fanatical" those who are devout. Fanaticism means insisting on false and blind persistence. Insistence on what is right is a virtue, and such behavior by a believer cannot be considered fanaticism.

20. Sometimes the sun appears in an atom, a flood in a drop, and a book in a sentence. For such a profundity, the eye (meaning sight) is as important as the word.

21. The pen is a golden channel for the light of thought. This light descends from the mind to the arm, and therefrom to the finger, and finally comes out from the pen.

22. Even if the number of blind people increases, they still cannot determine an item's color. Two sound eyes destroy their consensus.

23. Every tree is made up of wood. A tree is differentiated by its fruit, and people are differentiated by their piety.

24. Every mind is like a separate knife made from the same steel. Any difference among them derives from their sharpness.

25. In great and magnificent nations, dervish lodges and even gravestones are ornamented. One can read a nation's concept of beauty and art on its places of worship and its tombstones.

26. Matter has no comprehension, consciousness, feeling, or will. It is comprised only of some laws and particles (used to form things). What an embarrassing mistake it is to count it as the essence of existence.

27. True philosophy is only a spiritual and mental trouble (trial, suffering) that appears when God arouses us to seek wisdom. Criteria or Lights of the Way, Izmir 1997, (7th edition), Vol. 4, pp. 1-9

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