Difference from Ex-Prime Minister Erbakan and the Issue of Partisanship

Necmettin Erbakan is active in politics as a representative of Islam in Turkey. You're following a different road. Isn't Erbakan's attempt to establish a political framework for living Islam a good thing?

He's pursuing this struggle.

It may be good according to him.

But, practically speaking, you're not doing what he's doing.

I think I've found a better work. I pursue they way to "faith in God, knowledge of God, love of God, and spiritual pleasure." If I accepted and approved of everything he did, I would do the same thing.

Which things in him don't you approve of?

I never investigated or inquired into that. I'm just following my way. I have no time or intention to show enmity to others. The Qur'an teaches us: "You must be busy with yourselves; don't allow others' following different ways keep you busy." I have only two hands. Sometimes they are enough to do what I have to do and sometimes not. If I had four hands, I would use them for my work. Oral Calislar, Cumhuriyet daily, 8/20-26/95

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